A new self-service assignments application launching Feb. 19 will eliminate a visit to the Military Personnel Flight/Element, saving Airmen both time and effort as part of the continuing initiatives of the Air Force's Personnel Services Delivery,


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3. Click OK to continue and verify your email address and phone number to log in. 4. Click Self-Service Actions (left-hand navigation menu). 5. 2018-06-29 · When your DD-214 is completed and made official, you will receive a confirmation email of when the DD-214 will be available for you to download it electronically via the vMPF. Important Note: THE AIR FORCE NO LONGER MAILS THE DD-214.

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Log in to the AF Portal. 2. Hover over Career & Training, then select vMPF (or search and select vMPF). You may also get to vMPF via myPers; select Access Secure Apps from the I Would Like To … menu. 3. Click OK to continue and verify your email address and phone number to log in.

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Air Force officials recently introduced a new Web-based application that allows Airmen to withdraw or cancel a voluntary assignment from their desks at their convenience. Voluntary assignments are assignments that are self-initiated and that Airmen can apply for on their own. They differ from normal assignments because they apply only to those that Airmen

You may also get to vMPF via myPers; select Access Secure Apps from the I Would Like To … menu. 3.

You can access vPC-GR, vMPF and PRDA from the AF Portal, www.my.af.mil, under the Top Portal Links section. The Total Force Service Center is available for customer support and provides processing for online services. Contact the TFSC at 1-800-525-0102 if assistance is needed. Awards and Decorations

For in-depth coverage, AF.MIL provides special reports, video, audio, and photo … You may contact the AF Portal help desk at DSN 596-5771, opt 7, or 1-877-596-5771, opt 7, for further assistance. However, if the portal is unavailable for all users, then it will be difficult to reach the help desk. Please include the below reference ID if you contact the help desk to open a trouble ticket; this will assist with troubleshooting: 2020-7-31 · Air Force Personnel Center, Randolph AFB, Texas 78150 Last Reviewed: 31 July 2020 To access vMPF, go to https://wwa.afpc.randolph.af.mil/vs.

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Why am I seeing a "Security Alert" dialog box when I connect to the AF Portal? Account BUCKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- A new procedure is now in place to send an email reminder notice regarding the status of accrued service points to Guard and Reserve members 90 days before the close out of their retention/retirement year.

2018-06-29 · When your DD-214 is completed and made official, you will receive a confirmation email of when the DD-214 will be available for you to download it electronically via the vMPF. Important Note: THE AIR FORCE NO LONGER MAILS THE DD-214. ONCE THE FORM IS COMPLETE AND OFFICIAL, IT WILL BE AVAILABLE IN VMPF FOR 60 DAYS ONLY. 1.
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2016-06-14 · 786fss.dpmar@ramstein.af.mil Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 0830 - 1300 and Tuesday 0900 – 1300 General Line: 480-9898/06371-47-9898 Quick Links.

This must be completed within 30 calendar days of your assignment notification. (FT HOOD: Please scan and email to 7FSS.CAREERDEVE@dyess.af.mil) Effective Apr. 26, in addition to allowing for voluntary separation for pregnancy before the birth of a child, Airmen will now be able to apply for separation after the birth of a child. Policies regarding medical care for those separating prior to birth, 2016-6-14 · Members are notified of an assignment selection via virtual MPF.Members are then required to complete the initial assignment briefing online in virtual MPF.Relocation Counselors (Outbound Assignments Office) will contact you for additional information, 2020-4-22 · The relocations team will still load out processing checklist via vMPF. Retirements & Separations: Seps@us.af.mil) NLT 1400 two duty days prior to departure. A technician will review and respond to your message within 24 hours. If members have issues out-processing with certain 2021-2-7 · The following areas of the vMPF are available to you: Self-Service Actions Orders Processing Application OP Actions .

2018-5-25 · AFPOA.A1.SD@US.AF.MIL. You must include the following in your email request: full name, military pay date (LES has this), date of rank and a good contact phone number. Once you have your User ID and Password you can access your DD-214 via vMPF through the AFPC Secure website. Link to vMPF is provided below:

Account Air Force's Personnel Center. The appearance of external links on this site does not constitute official endorsement on behalf of the U.S. Air Force or Department of Defense. In order to comply with Air Force Instruction 37-161, Distribution Management, some information you may have access to may be restricted to .mil or .gov domains only. To request a cancellation, Airmen must have an approved assignment in one of the voluntary assignment programs available on the vMPF.